Apr 26, 2007

Aces High II

Aces High II is a massive multi-player online combat simulation centered around the World War II air-war. Take to the air with accurate flight modeling of over 80 aircraft, vehicles, and boats from around the world. Fight against hundreds of real players from around the world. Players can participate in special events recreating scenarios from World War II. For customization, there's the ability to create historical skins for your plane, start or join a squadron, and design and build your own terrain with the Aces High Terrain Editor.


  • Accurate flight modeling of over 80 aircraft, vehicles, and boats from around the world.

  • Fight against hundreds of real players from around the world.
  • Multiple arenas with unique environments offer different styles of gameplay.

  • Constant updates and additions keep the game fresh.
  • Create historical skins for your plane.
  • Start or join a squadron for even more fun.
  • Participate in special events recreating scenarios from World War II.
  • Learn from films you can record and view using the Aces High Film Viewer.
  • Design and build your own terrain with the Aces High Terrain Editor.
  • In game voice support.
  • The most flexible view system in the genre.
  • Tailor it to your liking.
  • Full, true 3D cockpits.
  • Customize your commands on the keyboard and the joystick.
  • In-game secure account management.
  • Auto-update in the game for all updates.
  • Auto-update for all new skins released for the game.
  • Free 8 player head to head over the Internet and LAN play.


  1. Lots of lag switch operators. And people cheating all the time. Buyer beware.

  2. Very rude customer service. They treat you like a bullie. They beleive they are on a higher level. And don't even know the mmbers back ground. They will insult you. If you ask about people cheating in the game. Just ask them about possible lag switch operators. They don't like to admit to people cheating on their game called Aces High II by HiTech creations. I would rate this game at being poor on customer service and graphics are on the early 90's style. Very poor graphics.

  3. The Aces High II game modeling of aircraft is some what low level. The game is simple. But the true modeling of real aircraft speed and flight charactorists is lacking allot. They slow down the aircraft from what the aircraft can really perform. Also their tanks are very weak modeling and have cheats glory. The modeling and play of the game is poor. They background graphics are also very poor. We live in the 2009. This is model back in the early 1990's. They need to invest into better software and rewrite the game with a newer version. I would give this game a 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. Number 1 being the best.

    Very poor graphics and bad game cheats happening allot.
