Apr 21, 2007

Neverwinter Nights 2 | Cheats Codes |

Neverwinter Nights 2 Cheat CodesDebug Mode Codes

While playing, hit ~ to bring up the console. Then type in "DebugMode 1" without the quotes. You may then use the following codes. (Note that all codes are cAsE sEnSiTiVe and some such as the set(stat) codes require you to select a target when you use them)

Cheat Effect

dm_givegold # : Gives the desired amount of gold

dm_god: Invincibility

dm_unlockcamera: Allows you to use the camera with better scrolling and the such

givefeat #: Add the feat to your currently selected character (use #'s 2 through around 500)

giveitem [item tag] #: Gives active player item

givespell #: Gives a spell identified by it's id number to the character.

givexp #: Gives the desired amount of XP to your character.

givexp [-ve number]: Decreases your experience points by the value entered

irolltwenties: 20 in every statistic.

polymorph #: Turns your controlled character into a different creature.

removefeat #: Remove the feat corresponding to that number

resetlevels: Delevel you if your experience points is near to 0

rs ga_alignment(-1,0): to move one point towards evil

rs ga_alignment(-1,1): to move one point towards Chaos

rs ga_alignment(1,0): to move one point towards good

rs ga_alignment(1,1): to move one point towards Law

rs ga_influence (x,y): Raises influence level for that companion.

rs ga_party_limit(6): Raises the amount of party members you may have at once to 6. Default is 3 in Act 1 and 4 in Acts 2 and 3.

rs ga_time_advance(Hours,Min,Sec,Milli): replace Hours, Minutes, Seconds and Milliseconds

with how much time you want to advance.

rs kr_influence: A simple influence editor, in the form of a dialogue.

rs kr_roster_edit: Opens a debug dialogue with an option to open the party roster to witch party members in and out at any time. (Use caution with other features there)

Set Appearance #: Makes your character have the appearance of the # in the res ref table

of the 2da appearance file...*Note this is just appearance*

SetCHA #: Set charisma to given number.

SetCON #: Set constitution to given number.

SetDEX #: Set dexterity to given number.

SetINT #: Set intelligence to given number.

SetSTR #: Set strength to given number.

SetWIS #: Set wisdom to given number.

unpolymorph: Returns your controlled character to normal.

rs gr_dm: Spawns a Dungeon Master NPC who will allow you to spawn items, add journal entries, open stores, add/remove party members, and teleport.

International language keyboard console opening
To open the console on a non-English keyboard (like Swedish for example), press the accentuation (not apostrophe!) and questionmark buttons in quick succession while holding down shift.

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