Sep 30, 2007

Shadowhunter Bloodlust

Prepare to meet your new family. With your initial bite, you will become part of a thousand-year old bloodline and enter a family of darkness. Whether or not you are loyal to that family is entirely up to you. With each bite you inflict, you will recruit others to your clan. Along the way you may also need to dispose of un-worthy players who are not in the best interest for your family. Each clan consists of a hierarchy and politics play a part in this society of darkness.

As a vampire fledgling, you must make your way through the sewers and dark alleys to quench your new found thirst while continuously building your strength, skills and bloodline in an effort to become an im-mortal power. In the end, you will find, you must make a choice... either to continue reign at the top of the vampiric hiearchy, along side the Emperor, or to give up immortality and destroy the darkness that started this horrific nightmare.

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