3 Methods of Cheating in WoW | Cheats Codes |

Three Methods of Cheating in World of Warcraft
By Sean McFall

For those of you who have played World of Warcraft for a little while, you are well aware of the implications of the different cheats, hacks and exploits present at almost any given time. As an honest player, you could easily be vulnerable to any of these. As a sneaky player, you could easily take that which does not belong to you or simply enjoy a bit of the game that isn’t supposed to be there.

No matter what your perspective is, you will likely encounter some form or another of cheating or hacking in World of Warcraft during your time spent online and for that reason, it’s good to know what kinds of hacks and cheats exist out there so you can recognize and combat them when needed.

The Simple Exploit

The first kind of cheat is a simple exploit. Exploits are those small holes in the programming that users find every now and then that allow a player to do something or perform a feat that they should not be able to. Often times you can reach areas that are not supposed to exist or can kill more mobs or gain more experience than Blizzard intends. Exploits are generally harmless and because they usually involve taking advantage of an existing hole in the game, they are often only punishable with a warning from Blizzard.

The Simple Cheat

The second category is very much akin to the exploit but usually goes a step or two further. A cheat utilizes an exploit to actively do something that a player should not, usually gaining them some sort of advantage in combat or farming. Because they are usually carefully constructed by players utilizing numerous exploits or in-game techniques, cheats are hard to fix and can stay around for months before Blizzard catches on. Secondarily, there are often numerous styles and methods of utilizing the same cheat, including to scam fellow players. These are the most dangerous and often the most misused of World of Warcraft’s many holes.

The Hack

The hack is the third and final of the three different kinds of manipulation players might make of Blizzard’s software. However, with hacking, players actively create and utilize software that takes apart and rebuilds the game to their liking. Some hacks are very simple and only involve changing what a character is wearing. Other hacks involve unlocking the mining and herbalism nodes or presenting items for sale that a character does not actually have. Most often, a hack is easily spotted, especially if you know what to look for. Hacking is extremely against the Terms of Service and immediately bannable. Because of this, those who hack are often willing to use it against other players. The risk is already so high, there is a minimal difference.

Did you know that World of Warcraft is rampant with sly little thieves and tricksters who craft scams designed to take the poor unsuspecting few for fools?

Learn more about
World of Warcraft cheaters and what you can do to stop them at http://www.wowscams.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sean_McFall


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