Quake Wars is a class-based game. There are two opposing teams; the GDF (Global Defense Force), who are humans, and the Strogg, an alien race that are invading Earth. For each side there are five classes, and while these classes are essentially the same on both sides, there are small variations in the way they perform as well as differences in names. The classes of Global Defense Force consist of Soldier, Medic, Engineer, Field Ops, and Covert Ops. The corresponding Strogg classes are Aggressor, Technician, Constructor, Oppressor, and Infiltrator.

The main drive of the game is to either capture enemy territory by completing objectives, or defend said objectives for a specified amount of time. It has been said that each side will alternate between attacking and defending. In addition to the overall mission for each map, sub-missions are available, such as destroying an obstacle to make progression easier.
As you complete objectives, cause damage, and aid your team with your specific class, you gain experience points "XP". With XP you can get upgrades for your specific class, light weapons, vehicles, or battlesense. These upgrades last for one campaign consisting of three maps, which will reset when the campaign is completed.

While the Strogg and GDF feature similar weaponry there is a key difference in weapon usage. The GDF have a limited ammo supply and must reload on emptying a magazine. The Strogg do not have to reload, however they will be penalized if they fire for too long as their weapons will overheat.
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