Jan 3, 2008

Ragnarok Online | Cheats Codes |

Ragnarok Online Cheat Codes

  • Reverse Heal skill

    Type "/noshift" in the chat window when facing undead opponents. By using the Heal skill, you will be attacking them with it. Note: Do not try this on enemies that are not undead, as it will heal them. Hold [Shift] to heal yourself while in this state. Additionally, type "/ns" in the chat window to enable reversing heal. With it, you can use the heal skill to kill the undead type enemies. Your in-game mouse pointer will now be a sword when you move it over players. This may make it difficult to move around or run away.

  • Shortcut for continue attacks

    Type "/nc" in the chat window to enable attacks without having to continuously click the mouse button.

  • Easy Stun

    Be a Swordman, and get Bash at level 10. Get Fatal Blow. Get a blade with 4 slot and insert 4 Savage Babe card . Use Bash on a monster and it will normally get stunned.

  • Cheat Codes

    While playing the game, enter one of the following commands in the chat window to activate the corresponding feature:

    Result Cheat Code
    Open today's tips/tip
    Toggle skill and casting effects/effect
    Toggle red miss indicator/miss
    Toggle fog effects/fog
    Auto attack enemies without [Ctrl] + click/nc
    Continue attacks; does not work on spells/noctrl
    Auto heal enemies (undead) without holding [Shift]/ns
    Show other control keys/h (help)
    Show number of players on same server/w (who)
    Show current location/where
    Lists blocked personal messages/ex
    Block personal messages from named players/ex [character name]
    Allow personal messages from named players/in [character name]
    Allow personal messages from everyone/inall
    Block personal messages from everyone/exall
    Kick player from your created party/expel [character name]
    Save current chat dialogue/savechat
    Save warp point; only with Warp Portal skill/memo
    Create a party/organize [party name]
    Create a Guild; must have Emperium item/guild [guild name]
    Disband Guild that you created/gocp [guild name]
    Leave current party/leave
    Turn camera focus on/camera On
    Turn camera focus off/camera Off

  • http://www.cheatcc.com/pc/ragnarokol.html