Apr 22, 2008


GooGrid is an online ecosystem where animated critters designed by players crawl from one screen to the next across the internet, fighting, eating plants or each other, and reproducing. New players can make a critter in seconds with the "critter wizard" and the "random beetle" graphics, but the real fun of the game is using "advanced species design" mode and making your own animated custom critter drawings. Each species you design can have up to 21 animation sequences.

Each sequence corresponds to a critter behavior, such as eating, fighting, sleeping, walking, running to attack, or running to escape. You can choose from 26 different body parts (such as brain cells, body armor, sabre teeth, and hooves) and 28 different strategy parameters (such as prey filters, frustration handlers, group defense strategies, and prey/food supply management). Even when you're offline, your creations can be crawling around on other players' screens. Once you release a species, it has a life of its own. Other players may choose to collect a specimen of your species if they like it. This saves it for later and counts as a vote towards the most popular species list.

1 comment:

  1. this is a great game for anybody
    the players are nice and always help you with your drawings (no matter how bad they are) :P The only thing is that there is hardly anyone ever on. please join and put an end to the only flaw in googrid!
