Hero's Journey is the new 3-D Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game by the original masters of the genre, Simutronics Corporation. Currently in production, Hero's Journey promises fun, fast-paced action combined with immersive environments and gameplay. Simutronics' design motto is "More Fun. Less Tedium." and Hero's Journey shows it.
The game elements focus on fun, action-packed, adventure-style roleplay. With less waiting and more playing, Hero's Journey provides an innovative mix of familiar game play elements and some fresh new ones. A special emphasis is placed on Character creation tools that provide an extensive amount of flexibility, both in terms of character appearance as well as character abilities. This attention to detail is also reflected in beautiful environments, and compelling, dynamic mini-quests.
All players begin with two default attacks that are based on their primary and secondary class. The real skill of the fight is in everything else a player does. Players will need to be very conscious of what is going on around them and make split-second decisions.
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